Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Please check out my new website

Please check out my new website, that integrates my photography blog. Don't want to leave you guys hanging! Its over here: http://www.jhportraitartist.com

Friday, June 20, 2014

Rio Turns 9

I have a 9 year old. I have a 9 year old! Her beauty and love has graced this home for the best nine years of my life. She has shown me joy and grace like I've never experienced before!

I got a crown for her birthday shoot and she immediately fell in love with the idea. After all, she is a princess...

Happy Birthday sweet Rio! Your charm radiates past your little person into the hearts of countless friends who love you. Your positivity and smile grace my mind when you're not here. I want to be a better person because of you!

Her "statue of liberty" pose ;) 

"Mommy, get the sunset!"

Her brother isn't even capable of allowing someone getting more attention than him, so he begged to be a part of the fun. Of course, Rio loves to share the limelight with him because, well, that's just how she is! He wanted the entire time to be posing with his sister and we finally got a "cool" shot, as he would call it...

Then there's Lathan. Effortless, really.

Happy birthday to my beautiful baby girl! You are my sunshine, sweetheart!! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Weathering the Storm: Purple Jars Blog - Rubio Family

"I can still feel you hold my hand, little man
And even the moment I knew 
You fought it hard like an army guy
Remember I leaned in and whispered to you,
'Come on baby with me, we're going to fly away from here..
You were my best four years." 
~"Ronan", Taylor Swift

I met this amazing couple this year. They've been through a lot. They've been through more than I think I could ever handle. God has this way of putting people in my path when I'm blind to my own blessings as a sort of wake up call to help me remember what exactly in this life is sacred...like family.

I have this nightmare sometimes. I've talked about it before on a blog somewhere, but it's so uniquely profound that I think about it when I need a reminder of what in life is really important. In fact, I don't think it's a coincidence when I dream that dream. I believe it comes when I need to be "reset".

I, like countless others, am terrified of tornadoes. Their massive power, sound, and inhuman trait for the kind of danger, terror, and havoc they're actually creating is enough to make my face run cold. I lose myself at the thought that one could ever find it's path down our way. It seems like a tornado should feel. For as big as it is, it should feel. It should know. It should know to stop. But it doesn't. It has no idea; it's just a circumstance. It's a scary, unfortunate, invisible circumstance of moisture, wind, and instability.

In this dream, I'm always trying to figure out how to survive until it passes with my kids and family. My first priority is to find them wherever they are-just get to them. My second priority is to try to instill hope in them. Reassure them that I will do everything I can to protect them. I pray with them. My last priority is survive with them. Show them how they're going to hang on, tell them a thousand times not to let go, and find the most secure place possible to tie them down to the earth. I frantically look for where, oh where, will they not be ripped away from me. Please, God, help me hang on them to them while the deafening freight train of sound and life-stealing winds fight me for them.

While I dream, I can't separate truth from fiction. I know there are people that can snap out of it. They can tell themselves they're dreaming and can even wake themselves up. I don't have that luxury and I don't think it's coincidence that I don't possess it. I truly believe my dream is happening no matter what I try to do to prepare myself. I've carried this trait with me always, even as a child. That's why I used to pray my dreams away. In this dream in particular, I'm always compelled to be cognizant of what no one is doing. No one is stealing. No one is killing. No one is lying. No one is trying to get drunk. No one is having an affair. No one is online looking at things they shouldn't. No one is fighting. No one is mad. No one is looking out for themselves. They've left their lusts and differences way behind and they're frantically trying to help their families and friends. They're helping anyone time will allow them to help. But first, family. Very first...family. Everyone wants everyone else to survive. Everyone is scared, panicked, and desperate. No one is safe. Nothing distinguishes a person from the object next to them. The amount of money they have, their good health, the amount of people they sleep with, the kind of card they drive, or the doctorate they carry behind their name mean absolutely nothing for the first time in everyone's life. It all means absolutely nothing. The tornado doesn't play favorites and it doesn't care. It won't. It's not going to skip over anyone due to their influence, money, state of happiness, or accomplishments. You, me, and the homeless man next to us will all be taken up if we're not hanging on. All of the social walls and inequalities around us are torn down by a common terror.

What is its purpose? How can it have one at all? This circumstance of wind and instability comes in and wreaks terror into our hearts, takes us on a freight train of emotions, and sometimes we are still breathing once it passes. Why?

Circumstances people go through are a lot like tornadoes. There's no controlling them, dictating when they come, or have a way to handle them "correctly". They bring in disaster, break us apart, and are gone. We're left looking through the rubble for signs of life. What purpose do tragedies serve? It's so easy to feel like there is no other reason for the phenomenon but to simply cause pain, and I can't blame the person who would want to think so. I think that for me, though, I have to feel like there is a purpose. I don't serve a God that would create such a thing just to sit back and see what happens. God is love. I think Satan would want to do exactly that-do things to us and sit back to see if we'll give in, get mad at God for the things he himself has done, and happily watch as we throw in the towel to the wrong being and bow down to him in the end. He's the deceiver. I serve a God who wanted to protect us from these tornadoes, but we wanted to weather them on our own. I serve a God that loves me, who's concerned for me through them, and cares enough to comfort me when they pass. He is the life in the rubble.

Our family got dressed one evening this past December and did what was next on the calendar-a church event. It was the Christmas program. We enjoyed the singing and the fellowship with friends throughout the night. Toward the end of the program, I got up to escort my two kids to their designated locations since the finale would include them as candle carriers. I left the auditorium with them and knew I would be missing out on a treat. A guest singer from Puerto Rico had come to visit and would be singing some songs in Spanish. I looked through the window of the auditorium as he sang, wondering what his voice must have sounded like from the second row that I just left behind. He sung beautifully and I could tell I would have enjoyed it a hundred times more than in the lobby through a glass window. I was thinking about my enjoyment; my entertainment. In my life, things were wonderful. I had no idea his life was so scary at that moment. In that moment, Zuriel's family was experiencing their tornado. They were holding on and it seemed that the storm had calmed for awhile. But, unbeknownst to them, the tornado wasn't done yet. His wife, Ramleez, was at home. She wasn't singing that night. She was with their very sick son.

This is their story.

Ramleez Rubio:

We always dreamed of having a family since the very beginning.   

It was love at first sight that united the two of us.  After a Christmas Concert, while he sang, I said to myself, "Yes, I am going to marry him."  After getting to know each other, we decided we couldn't be apart.  We decided to marry, and we did on April 18, 2007.  After our marriage, thanks to his love and support, I completed my studies in education on May 2008.  


On September 12, 2008 our first bundle of joy arrived.  What a blessing to our lives!  He brought joy, laughter, lots of love and passion to our lives.  It was through Zariel we came to understand the meaning of true love.  


Two years later, our family grew a little bit more with the arrival of our second child.  In August 11, 2010, our precious Nayomi arrived.

We feared a little, like many parents do, of how our older son would react. We were taken by surprise.  Zariel could not be happier.  As I think back to her birth, I can remember his complete happiness and his laughter. He didn't possess any jealousy toward her; only joy and lots of love.  We felt our family was complete.  

A little more than one year later, in September of 2012, Zariel began to get to sick. He had just turned 4 the same month.  It began like a virus.  Every morning on his way to school, he would complain of stomach pain and headaches, which would lead to vomit.  The doctors thought it was the flu at first until he experienced his first convulsion in October.  After treating him for epilepsy for 3 months, his symptoms would persist. An MRI was performed in December, which revealed a large tumor growth in his brain.

We were then rushed to another hospital where our hardest journey of faith, acceptance, and complete trust in God began.     

As a child, I remember reading the compelling bible stories about Job and Naomi, as well as many others, and they always moved me.  However, the thought had truly never entered my mind that it could happen to me.  There are moments in your life where God remains silent and you don't understand the reasons why you are suffering.  But one thing remains very clear-each and every one of these stories ends with great blessing.  

One year after preforming his brain biopsy on December 11, 2012, Zariel's journey ended. He passed on December 16, 2013.  It happened six days after arriving to our new family of faith in Bammel Church of Christ in Houston, TX from Puerto Rico. We lost one of the most precious jewels God granted us the privilege to care for, give love, and teach him to love God over all things.  Zariel was known for praising God as loud as possible, praying before each meal, praying when we traveled in the car, praying before each surgery procedure, praying before going to sleep, reading his bible, and being the best son, brother, cousin, grandchild, during his short 5 years of life. 

(A plaster of Zariel's hand and foot provided by Texas Children's Hospital taken approximately 13 hours before he passed.)

Now our journey continues.  Taking it day by day looking forward to the heavenly reunion God has promised his children.  

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4

I'm thankful God has allowed us another precious gift, wrapped in beauty and love. Nayomi, our precious gift. She, who stuck by mommy and daddy-giving comfort, hugs, and kisses. She reassured us we have not finished our journey.  Every day she gives us strength, love, joy, and happiness.  Just as Proverbs 22:6 "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."  

Sometimes life here on this earth can be cruel, you may only experience pain, hurt, trials, deception, and heartache.  But one thing you can be very certain of, "1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. 2And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.…(Revelation 21:1).  

As Christians we weep, but not like those that have no hope.  We keep our faith and our hope in the one who gave up heaven just to save us from this wretched world of sin, eternal death, turmoil, hate, adversity.  We hope in the Lord, taking it day by day and trusting in His promises.  

Thank you, for reading our little story of Love, Family, Trial and Faith.  

I can't thank the Rubio family enough for allowing me to display their love and faith for all to see and to give glory to God for their hope. This shoot was possible through the Purple Jars Ministry I do. A donation was made and I contacted their family. I heard their story at church and couldn't wait for the opportunity to approach them about documenting and telling it. My aim is not a personal or monetary gain. What I gain is a treasure in another world and in this world, it takes the form of friendship. I can't imagine spending my life in a better way than hearing people's incredible stories. Sometimes I can't fix it, I can't make it stop, I don't know how to handle it "correctly", but I can rejoice with them in their hope, I can let them know they are valuable, and I can take pictures. That is my gift. They will have something they are proud of and a chance to heal. They'll be able to hang up their prints in their home. Each Purple Jar family gets a free session, a free 8x10, a free 5x7, and all the digital files, but I think the biggest treasure is the memory of the beginning of a season of healing.

I've been praying over this blog since I heard their story. They sat on the stage with my minister at church and shared how the church had helped them through the surprise of Zariel's death. Tears streamed down my face as I listened. Of all things, they did a duet song of praise at the end. "How on earth can they do that?" I thought. "How do they have the strength?" My tornado dream rings true. Through the storm, they held on to each other for dear life. Just as I would hold on to them if they were near me. What if we all left our lusts and differences behind all the time and held on to each other? What would that world be like? I know for me, it gives me purpose.

In the time waiting for all of the ducks to line up in preparation for their story, I keep my heart open to the different ways God presents Wisdom to me. I relish in anything that will help me come just a little closer to understanding what their story is like. I'm not sure how-God has a way of making things happen like that-but I came across this story about Taylor Swift and a song she co-wrote with a mother who lost her son to cancer. The title of the song and the name of the boy is Ronan (pictured below). I listened to this song when I would pray about the Rubios and it's playing now as I write this blog. The first time I heard it, I was completely dismantled. I cannot imagine the heartache. But I'm glad the song exists so that I can come just a small step closer to learning about the terrible experience far too many parents have faced. Enjoy the video and the song below, but get a tissue first.

I don't believe there's a right way to handle a tornado. We just brace each other and hang on until it's over. In that moment, nothing else matters. And it shouldn't.


I remember your bare feet down the hallway
I remember your little laugh
Race cars on the kitchen floor, plastic dinosaurs
I love you to the moon and back

I remember your blue eyes looking into mine
Like we had our own secret club
I remember you dancing before bedtime
Then jumping on me, waking me up

I can still feel you hold my little hand, little man
And even in the moment I knew
You fought it hard like an army guy
Remember I leaned in and whispered to you

Come on baby with me we're going to fly away from here
You were my best four years

I remember the drive home
When the blind hope turned to crying and screaming, "Why?"
Flowers piled up in the worst way, no one knows what to say
About a beautiful boy who died

And it's about to be Halloween
You could be anything you wanted if you were still here
I remember the last day when I kissed your face
I whispered in your ear

Come on baby with me we're going to fly away from here
Out of this curtain room and this hospital grave, we'll just disappear
Come on baby with me we're going to fly away from here
You were my best four years

What if I'm standing in your closet trying to talk to you?
What if I kept the hand-me-downs you won't grow into?
And what if I really thought some miracle would see us through?
What if the miracle was even getting one moment with you?

Come on baby with me we're going to fly away from here
Come on baby with me we're going to fly away from here
You were my best four years

I remember your bare feet down the hallway
I love you to the moon and back

Monday, May 5, 2014

JHCC Mother's Day Sale 2014

She'll love you forever!! Show your wife or mom that you know what she loves! Give her the gift of "forever" with heirloom pictures of your family. Maybe she's been asking for some. Maybe you've overheard her in conversations with friends about how far behind she feels in getting pictures made. Maybe she'll never expect it! No matter what the reason, this gift will last forever and serves two purposes for her: captures her family that she loves so dear and decorates her home. She will treasure these forever! Don't drag your feet-just do it! Your story is being written every day-don't let it pass you by without documenting!

I have 8 gift certificates printed and ready to mail (or you can pick it up in Tomball)! These gift certificates are for a $300 session and I am offering them for $150 for Mother's Day. Only 8 lucky women will get their family session at 50% off! Gift certificates are good through December 2014. Don't hesitate or wait too long!

Option 1: Session only - $150 (min purchase of $600 in prints/products required at ordering session)
Option 2: Session and consultation - $200 - I come over and help mom plan colors, clothing, and location (min purchase of $600 in prints/products required at ordering session)
Option 3: Session, consultation, and portrait package - $650 - Best value. Package is valued at $620 and you save 20%. Includes 1-11x14 mounted print, 1-8x10, 4-5x7, and 6-4x6 prints. Total savings with session and prints = $270!

For more information:
Tomball, TX
jholub@ capturingcreations.com

Mother's Day Family Session Deals

About to be a Mom or a Dad? There's something here for you too! Book a Newborn Session and SAVE on prints!


Monday, March 31, 2014

You Want Me To Do What? A Fostering Story

I am so blessed to know the people I know. My community of friends and acquaintances is like a breath of fresh air. They uplift and empower me. They are down to earth. My church family is where I find these amazing people.

You may remember my niece Gabby, who came to stay with us this summer and decided to stay through the school year. Well, it has been a journey getting to know her and she is really a great kid! She has decided she missed her mom and dad too much, however, and returned home last week. It has affected my daughter Rio a lot. She walked around with a grey cloud over her head for a few days. Thankfully, she is coming out of it, but I know she misses her "big sister".

Sometimes throughout that journey, I had doubts with what to do. I needed advice. I needed a shoulder to lean on, a place to vent my frustrations, and a place to feel understood. The most prominent friend that came to light through that was Julia. Julia had been fostering for many years and had the experience I needed most. She was able to tell me when to relax and when to be firm. I enjoyed being able to share notes and hear that although she had been doing this much longer, she still had difficulties. Please enjoy her story and pictures as my guest blogger.

You Want Me to Do What?

Before Noah built his ark, or Abraham raised his knife, or Moses threw his staff on the ground, I’m sure they all asked the same question: “You want me to do what, Lord?”

Time and time again in scripture, God has called ordinary, unsuspecting people to become extraordinary on His behalf. In spite of their inadequacies, God equipped them with the tools they needed to fulfill the impossible. With God’s strength they were empowered and left us an example and a legacy.

Before my husband and I were married, we knew that we wanted children, both our own and others. We weren’t sure how that would work or when, but we knew that God had put that special desire in our hearts. Being young, dumb, and in love, we discarded the thought. How silly we were not to believe that God had a plan for us.

After 13 years of marriage and the birth of our three sons, God began to whisper again about raising children that were not biologically our own. Strangers, neighbors, and even our pastor were all offhandedly speaking to me about being a foster parent. I was surprised to learn that God was also whispering to my husband. I found myself screaming, “You want me to do what, Lord? I already have three children who take all of my time; my life is comfortable; I like my free time. You want me to do what?”

Jason and I decided that we would “check out” what was involved in becoming foster parents. What I thought might take a year or longer, took only months. Every time that I doubted God, He reaffirmed His plan for us through the words and actions of people around us. Even still, I was wrestling with God. I did not want to obey.

Several weeks after we were officially licensed to be foster parents, I gave it all to God. On that day, I was on my knees begging Him to show me that this was indeed His plan. I was doubting everything. I was scared. I was worried how I would protect my own children. I was worried how I could love someone else’s kids. I was broken. When I finished praying that day, I read a devotional in which God spoke these words to me: “Nowhere in the Bible are we promised a life free of trials, dangers and sorrows. Our joy is not based on a life that is comfortable, easy and effortless. Our joy is based on the fact that Jesus is with us in all we are called to endure. Faith involves not only trusting God when disappointments come but also believing that God will bless us with what is good.” Often when we least expect it, God invades our lives asking us to obey in ways that seem humanly impossible. That day, in that moment, I surrendered. God did indeed invade our lives. Six years later, we have had eleven foster children come in our home. Some of them have been adopted, some of them have gone home to their parents, and some of them are living with us today. God bombarded our quiet, easy, comfortable lives. God said, “Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you,” Josh 1:9. Through the Holy Spirit, our family responded in faith and trust in an almighty God, knowing that He has a great plan for me and my children, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, Jer. 29:11.

The last six years have been the hardest of my life. I have seen my children love others even when they didn’t want to (Luke 6). I have watched them accept new children into our family even though they are sacrificing time with their parents, their friends, their freedoms.

I have found the joy in nightly dinners for 8, a big car full of stinky children, and loads and loads of laundry. I have discovered the true joy of a full night’s rest. Finally, I have found that the joy of the Lord is truly my strength. Luke says Christ is with us (Luke 1:28). He hears our prayers and answers them (Luke 1:13). He calms our fears (Luke 1:13, 30). He establishes our confidence in Him (Luke 1:37). I no longer question God, saying “You want me to do what?” because I see the faces of our biological children who will be forever changed.

They will know what it means to sacrifice for the good of another, they will see the benefits of loving the ungrateful and unloveable. And I see the faces of our fostered children, who do not have parents to show them God’s love. I hear them sing hymns and praises to God in the bath, and I see the worries of the world leave them, if only for a little while.

And I know that God is good.

Friday, March 21, 2014

2014 Easter Mini Sessions - Inspired Child

One of my favorite things to do is put scriptures on amazing images for families to cherish for generations. It's something I feel led and compelled to do to improve the lives of my clients and their little ones! They hang these 11x14 mounted scripture prints on the walls of their home-in the family room or in their bedroom-and are reminded of the promises of God with every glance. Their kids grow up with a promise made just for them. I love the life the word of God gives! I am now booking two sessions this Easter-on-location and in studio. On-location photos are in Spring, TX and will have a cross in the background (please book for directions to the location).

Scripture can be added to any image on either session at no additional cost and you will receive a professionally printed, mounted portrait as part of the on-location package. Here are the details! These are such amazing sessions and sell fast! Email to book today!


JH Capturing Creations Photography

JH Capturing Creations Photography

JH Capturing Creations Main Website